Proof of Service
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It is a condition of your Private Mooring Licence that the mooring apparatus must be kept in good condition and serviced every 12 months. A proof of mooring service must be produced on request. It is a requirement to provide a proof of service by the date notified in the pre-audit letter. Email the proof of service to
Mooring serviced by a mooring contractor, you must provide an invoice or receipt from the contractor showing:
The contractor’s name and ABN/ACN
The mooring ID
The date the mooring was serviced
The mooring apparatus (block and chain) must be suitable for the vessel in question and for the mooring area allocated having regard to all possible adverse conditions, including potential flooding in the area.
In view of the Mooring Licensee’s responsibility in relation to the mooring and mooring apparatus it is strongly recommended that a professional mooring contractor is consulted to ensure that an appropriate mooring apparatus is provided and that it can withstand possible food conditions when necessary.
The mooring apparatus must be kept in good condition and be serviced every 12 months or more frequently if subject to specific mooring conditions. It is strongly recommended that it be serviced by a professional mooring contractor. Proof of mooring service must be produced on request. Transport for NSW will randomly require documentary proof of mooring service.
The Mooring Licensee is responsible at all times for damage caused by the licensee’s vessel and/or mooring apparatus to any other vessel or property. It is strongly recommended that the Mooring Licensee has adequate insurance to cover such contingencies as Transport for NSW bears no responsibility.
The Mooring Licensee’s use of the mooring constitutes acceptance of the allocated mooring site as suitable for the licensed vessel with specific regard to sea room and water depth.